Florida Panhandle SAAB Club
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Welcome To Our Page!

The Florida Panhandle SAAB Club

Mike "SaabDude" Szostkiewicz, MNCS(SW), USN

A relatively new organization, the club took form at the end of May 2001. Actually just a bunch of SAAB people I followed to wherever they were going... the grocery store, Lowe's or... well... HOME even!!

In the "Southern States" SAAB cars seem few and far between. Whether it's one of the Classic 900's or even the elusive V-4 powered car like the Sonett or the 95 wagon or 96 sedan, SAAB owners are friendly, fun and love their cars... (much to the dismay of their spouses at times...)

But we here in the Panhandle are definately some SAAB loving folk and thanks to Robert and Tammy Button, our "Pensacola Connection" our club is spreading like wildfire!! If you live in the area, or are just passing thru, don't hesitate to give us a holler!!




If you're heading this way... be sure to drop us a line!

We love showing off our toys and will impress you with our hospitality.


Thanks to fellow SAABer Dave VanAmburg for this GREAT design! Visit www.VanAmburgGroup.com

Click here to drop us a line!!

From Left To Right : Euan Morrison, Kurt Olson, Jean & Bill Zahler
Photo by: Mike "SaabDude" Szostkiewicz

Our "inagural" meeting in May 2001... albeit in Sam's Club parking lot! Just goes to show... we'll gather anywhere!